LANified! 13: The Low Down

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LANified! 13: The Low Down

Postby BloodyIron » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:11 pm

We would love to hear what you have to say about our event LANified! 14: The Swarm! We recommend that you use the form below, but feel free to be creative.

How did you hear about us?
- Word on the street

What you liked:
- Blah
- Some other Blah

What you didn't like:
- The baddest Blah
- The first Blah doesn't compare to this Blah

Would you attend again?: yes
If no, why not?: I already said yes

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:

Other thoughts:
- Not enough Blahs
- Too many Blahs in the kitchen
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low DOwn

Postby meiqur » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:16 pm

I had a good time, especially enjoyed the time spent on Master of Orion 2 (obviously one of the greatest games of all time).

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Re: LANified! 13: The Low DOwn

Postby meiqur » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:26 pm

Ok some more detail.

How did you hear about us?

- Little bird knocked on my door

What you liked:

- Master of Orion
- Tacos

What you didn't like:

- Absence of poll dancers
- Not enough Master of Orion deliciousness

Would you attend again?:

As long as there is no rule against people with large heads

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:

World domination baby

Other thoughts:

- Yes, I have them.
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low DOwn

Postby Cash » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:31 pm

How did you hear about us?
- Googled something along the lines of "Calgary LAN" and found you after sifting through tons of obsolete pages.

What you liked:
- Tournaments and competitions were the main highlight for sure.
- Concession, the food was great and it's super convenient to have one right there.
- Networking with local gamers on a personal level. Meeting someone at a LAN has a totally different feel compared to meeting someone online. You're able to connect with them in person and share in each other's passion for gaming.

What you didn't like:
- Sleeping on the floor. *Shudder* Next time I'm bringing a ground mat for my sleeping bag.
- Lack of participation. It seemed like a lot of people didn't partake in the events.

Would you attend again?: Yes, of course. I had a great time!

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:
Two things for two different types of gamer:
1. Having a huge friends list on Steam is awesome, but how many of those people do you know personally? Can you call one up and ask them if they're down to game? Networking at a LAN event is unlike any networking done online. When you meet someone in person you are able to connect with them and share your passion for gaming.
2. You can be the best player of that game, but that means nothing unless you have something to show for it. Prove you're the best by going up against similar people as yourself in LAN competition, and actually take home a prize for your effort.

Other thoughts:
- A working forum section with active participants would be a great way for everyone to organize games, without having to shout across the room through everyone's headsets.
- Encourage more participation.
Last edited by Cash on Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low DOwn

Postby Jesira » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:55 pm

How did you hear about us?
- My friend Kyrin

What you liked:
-Sleeping in my zero gravity chair, playing games.
- microwave!
-People seemed friendly.
-Gaming all weekend :D
-Seeing other people play games I suck at (I love watching people game)
-That BloodyIron made an effort to visit with me a little. Staff visiting me is important to me not sure why...

What you didn't like:
- I'll be honest the length, not long enough. Also the price for non-prepayers...(I prepaid though!)
- My brother was not able to come (My brother is the reason I first started gaming so I feel a huge connection to games because of him)
-FREAKING FREEZING cold bathrooms o.0 (stupid winter:P)

Would you attend again?: yes

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:
If you like games (console or video or pc) you'd enjoy it and get to meet new people!
Meeting new people is my fav part! Something about knowing others enjoy what you enjoy is a huge thing, makes me feel connected even if I don't meet or talk to everyone or anyone, makes you feel less alone in this world :)

Other thoughts:
- I felt bad for the concession guy as he was far off in the little corner all by himself, no one was at tables near him.
-I was hesitant about going to the next one but I think I will even though I have a big trip planned for the wednesday after the next LAN
-Wonder if there are ways I can help get attendance up...

To be honest the best part was that there was no crazy gimmicks or hype, it was simple old fashioned gaming for me at least. I'm glad there are tournaments with prizes for others but I personally just enjoy being around gamers (I also have this weird thing that I sleep better in a room full of gamers than I do at home in my own bed, maybe something to do with the buzzing computers lol!)
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low DOwn

Postby BigPhatPaulie » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:06 am

How did you hear about us?
- Been to the last 4 lans

What you liked:
- The usual of getting together and having a great time with a bunch of other nerds haha
- Easy to find location wise and the heat was managed!

What you didn't like:
- Nothing breakfast wise in the vicinity really

Would you attend again?: yes
If no, why not?: I already said yes

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:
Just that its a really good time and it really doesn't hurt to come out for a weekend and let loose a little

Other thoughts:
-Sitting in corners are not fun
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low Down

Postby Sn0_Man » Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:55 pm


Yay LAN parties are fun.

This one felt short (because it was) but full weekend ones (friday afternoon through sunday) feel long so I'm not really sure where the balance is there.

The good:
Its a lan party. Games, friends, food. yay.

The bad:
Not much. I wish there were more gamecube controllers around for general use (although I never asked bloody for one so there was probably one around). Too short as mentioned above.

Would I attend again: duh.
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low Down

Postby Dolphin » Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:56 pm

How did you hear about us?
Been to the last couple Lanifieds

What you liked:
- Good turnout
- CS GO was really fun
- Concession guy is a god

What you didn't like:
-I miss the chairs at sait
-More Dota2

Would you attend again?: yes
If no, why not?: I already said yes

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:
Good excuse to spend 24 hours gaming, not to mention the people are great, you'll most definitely make some friends.

Other thoughts:
-Need more Dota 2
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low Down

Postby kdudeman » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:11 pm

How did you hear about us?
- friend (cash)

What you liked:
- the awesome food
-friendly people
-the real competition aspect of gaming

What you didn't like:
- would of been great with more people (more the merrier)
-sleeping on the floor

Would you attend again?: yes
If no, why not?: I already said yes
-it was a overall great event and i would love to attend again in the future.

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?: can see how a LAN event really works, and to compete with people your own age to see who might be better and what not is great fun
2.creating a good group of friends that you know, playing with people you know personally makes something worm inside come out making it a terrific experience for all ages.

Other thoughts:
-hope this becomes some huge thing in the future. :P
-we all hope for the best and thank you.
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Re: LANified! 13: The Low Down

Postby fps_derek » Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:17 pm

How did you hear about us?
The beacon lighting of Gondor (the internets)

What you liked:
sense of community between complete strangers.
I have not tasted food that good in nearly a fort night

What you didn't like:
being forced into the TF2 tourney by my friends.
short length of the event. 3 days would be perfect.

Would you attend again?:

If you were to say why someone should attend LANified! events, what would you say?:
If you have even the slightest interest in gaming (both console or pc), this is for you. To me, games are the ultimate art form. It's the sum-total of every expressive medium of all time, made interactive. Doing this together, as a physical community only magnifies our sense of belonging in expressing ourselves. Some people may view their love for games or technology as a negative self-portrait, when in reality, the opposite is true. Therefore my computer and the games I choose to play, are as much a part of me as my personality as a whole. Moral of the story: Don't be afraid to express who you really are. There are others like you, come and be yourself and I promise you'll keep coming back for more.

Other thoughts:
possible introduction of a League of Legends tourney.
Last edited by fps_derek on Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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