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Are you ready? It's this weekend!

Woah, that was fast! Our event is THIS WEEKEND! But are you ready?

If you haven't been to a LAN party before we recommend you check out the lists of what to bring/not to bring/what's provided on the event page : http://www.lanified.com/events/go/16/3

Furthermore, we have the waiver ready for this event. If you're under 18 you will need to get your parent/legal guardian to sign it. We'll be providing waivers at the event, but if you want to be a keener and bring a ready copy, you can find the file at : http://www.lanified.com/downloads/LANif ... 7_2015.pdf

This weekend will be AWESOME, so much gaming! Are you ready?




Uh oh, there's nothing here.

Nobody is currently sponsoring LANified! If you'd like to talk to us about sponsorship oppurtunities, please contact us!