Prepay closing soon, running out of seats!

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Prepay closing soon, running out of seats!

Postby BloodyIron » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:39 pm

Our coming event is closing fast. It's less than two weeks away! As such, we will be closing prepay in a week, Saturday March 16th. We have 43 people signed up, that's 85% of our capacity! The only way to guarantee yourself a seat, and save some money, is to prepay. Prepaying has many benefits, but most importantly it lets others know that you're coming, and they will want to come too. If you're planning to come we highly recommend you prepay while you still can! We don't oversell events, so to ensure your seat you will need to prepay.

Attending LAN parties isn't always just about gaming. Many people come for the social aspect, and the file sharing. You get to meet all kinds of people who enjoy games just like you, you may even discover games you've never heard of. Not only that but if you have an issue with your computer there will be plenty of people to help you out! The majority of LANified! staff work with computers professionally and have many years of experience; a great resource when you have problems of any kind. If you want some help, just ask us or anyone at the event! Even still, you get to meet all kinds of people in various industries, including IT or technology industries; it's a great place to socially network!

It's also worth reminding those interested in our event that outside of the console tournament schedule the console systems will be available for open play, to everyone! If you want to jump on and play some smash brothers between other stuff, just do it! We will have three stations setup for the tournament and open play. If you plan to play on the stations please bring your own controller, this helps avoid several complications, but we will be providing everything else!

At each console station there will be a display, a set of speakers, the gamecube system setup conveniently, and 2x 3.5mm (headphone plug) connections for anyone to use headphones with! In a tournament this can be important if you want to listen for audible queues. The speakers and headphone plugs will both be setup.

We have a fantastic event lined up, but it doesn't happen if people don't show up! If you love gaming, want to meet lots of others who do too, enter tournaments, or jump into any other thing going on, then just make sure you attend! If you also know people who would be interested in our events, do us all (especially them) a favor and get them in on it!

For full event details, to sign up and prepay head to:
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