Gaming + Hot Food = Win

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Gaming + Hot Food = Win

Postby BloodyIron » Tue May 07, 2013 2:09 pm

Recently someone planning to attend our coming event asked me about our concession. They wondered, is it just snacks that are served there? I was quite taken back by their question, mostly because our concession is so much more than that. At our events the concession serves hot meals. Not just any hot meals mind you, meals so delicious some of our staff members say they rival the best in our fair city, Calgary! But wait, there's more! While the meals are absolutely fabulous, they are reasonably priced and get delivered to your seat! Some examples of the menu from our past event include: $5 for TWO grilled cheese sandwiches with 3 cheeses, $7 for Bacon Cheeseburger and $5 for two beef tacos! Not only that, but all the meals are prepared and served by a professional chef!

The menu for our coming event is not yet known, but we believe you'll find it will hit the spot, both in your hunger and your wallet. What more could you want? Gaming, convenient food, lots of fellow gamers, tournaments. You pretty much have to attend (there's only so many seats after all).
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