LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Please post any good or bad feedback you have here. Feedback helps us improve services, or know that our services are appreciated.

LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby BloodyIron » Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:27 pm

We had a blast running LANified! 22: Glock Blocked, and we hope you enjoyed it too!

We want to hear what you have to say, be it good, bad and/or ugly. We want to know as much as you'll tell us so we can continue to provide outstanding events, and even improve on them continually too!

Perhaps consider the following questions, but we'll take whatever feedback you'll give us too:

  • How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
  • How did you first hear about LANified! in general?
  • What did you like about the event?
  • What did you dislike about the event?
  • Would you attend future LANified! events?
  • If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
  • What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
  • What more would you want to see from LANified!?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add?
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby Evolution** » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:44 pm

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
Posters at UofC

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?

What did you like about the event?
Servers/server settings , networking, administration

What did you dislike about the event?
Not following pro/competitive map pool/veto system. (nuke was added, veto system should be used for stage 2)

"In case of Best-of-Three matches, both teams remove one map alternatively, after that each team will pick
one map. The team with the lower seeding has to start to remove the first map. To decide the last map both
teams once again remove one map alternatively, the last map will be used as third map if needed. A
kniferound will be played to decide starting sides on all maps."

Could have used ESL configs with eBot system (adds ready system, knife for sides, pauses, match medics).

Live streams would have also been an added bonus! :)

Would you attend future LANified! events?
For sure!

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Biggest LAN in Calgary, therefore the best turnout.

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
Great communication from the server admins

Is there anything else you would like to add?
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby Tora » Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:46 pm

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
I was here last September, and also Reddit.

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?

What did you like about the event?
I'm a big fan of the 2 day split for the tournament because it makes it seem like we are playing in a major event. It was nice to receive some kind of reward for our efforts in the end. I like the idea of the plaques, and the cash prizes for 1st and 2nd.

What did you dislike about the event?
Some of the map/side select rules were a bit off, I would recommend copying how ESL does theirs. Also, since people tended to leave after their games were all finished, I would suggest starting the finals at the same time as the 3rd/4th place matches, or at least staggering them a little bit so we can finish up a bit sooner. This will be especially important if more teams keep showing up.

Would you attend future LANified! events?
All of the future CSGO ones.

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Excellent opportunity to play on completely fair ground and see exactly how good you are compared to others in your region.

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
I would like to see Rocket League tournaments, games are short and sweet. Could easily be big tournaments that take place at the end of the day after major games are done.

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
Rocket League! It would be cool to get more LANified swag, like stickers, mousepads, just anything for branding. It would be really awesome if you guys could get 'in' with some merchandise dealers (i.e. Tiger Direct, ncix, memoryexpress) and have them donate stuff for prizes, in exchange for some in LAN branding.
It would be cool if you set up twitch streaming for the bracket matches, as well as having GOTV bots recording demos that can later be accessed on the website.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Only that I had a blast and can't wait to come to the next csgo event!
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby prideinmyevo » Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:31 am

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?
Pretty much the only local lan event we have in calgary

What did you like about the event?
Games were fun, had tons of matchups, room.

What did you dislike about the event?
Probably the veto system. More fair if b03 matches went: Ban, Ban, Pick, Pick, ban, ban and whatever is last map is left will be last map. Sides by coin flip. maps that are picked, the opposing team has right to choose sides. Its more fair this way cause it prevents teams from picking their strongest map and start out on their strongest side first (gives the other team a fighting chance)

Would you attend future LANified! events?
For sure!

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Probably the best lan we have in calgary thats always striving for improvement through feedback from the players.

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
Aim map 1v1

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
thats pretty much it

Is there anything else you would like to add?
It would be great if lanified added the black sheet divider to separate the center to prevent teams from looking at their opponent's monitors. (the ones they used at comiccon auto graph session or something similiar)
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby Tabes » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:55 am

Heard about LANified! through a google search looking for CSGO tournaments. Was thoroughly impressed by the event. The staff was great and very friendly. The tournament was cool and the organization was excellent. Met some really cool people and some not (unfortunately) I really like that there isn't stupid restrictions like you can't leave between certain times etc.

All in all had a good time and will most likely attend future LANifieds!
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby mahCheen » Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:31 pm

•How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
Looking for LAN tournaments across alberta. This was closest to me and in the near future.
•How did you first hear about LANified! in general?
Google search. Posters at memex for a different lan.
•What did you like about the event?
The people, the atmosphere, the competiveness of other teams. Facial expressions when you rip someones face off. All the expressed rage, happiness, etc.. everything was just so much for me, was pretty ecstatic driving there to meet new people and play some games and engage in conversation.
•What did you dislike about the event?
I disliked how a lot of people left the event because their team was kicked out first day. I feel that these people missed the idea of a LAN event.
The prizes were mediocre at best.
Would you attend future LANified! events?
YES absolutely. No doubt about it.
If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
The competition is good, the people and staff are friendly. The games are fun. But make sure to prepay. The prizes will be substantially greater and Get your seat quick, because with the right promoting these events are sure to fill up quickly.
What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
1v1, 2v2, surf racing, there are soo many. Perhaps in game tournaments like most headshots with the deagle or scout. Things like this would be hard to count but im sure we can rely on an honor system. after all the nature of competiveness is integrity and fair play.
What more would you want to see from LANified!?
People. More people is more fun. Also would like to see tournament structure fixed so that teams are not booted on the first day and have a lot of players leave.. Have round robin stages to rank teams individually (old nhl playoff format) then bracket them up winners keep going for grand prize, while losers of the first round of bracket structure compete for a consolation prize. Also I would like to have played a lot of teams again, and more time in between matches for teams to regroup and work together to try something new. Idea being to bring people back, or keep them there if they lost out.
Sponsors for LANified! to help out with prizing anything from food coupons, energy drinks, mousepads, screen cleaners etc.. (maybe hard to accomplish at first but can be done in the future with the right promotion and player population)
•Is there anything else you would like to add?
First ever lan for me. Enjoyed it very much. Great experience. Would also like to congratulate Team Kqlyfornia on winning the event. I hope to see you guys online and at lan again so I can snipe your faces with my scout =P (again)
To admins:
I would be more than willing and able to help out at future lan events.
Thanks for the fun times and all your hardwork putting this together. I know its tough and you guys sure pulled it off. Good work, keep it up and see you next time.
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Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:16 am

Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby nerve » Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:42 pm

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
from friends going and needing a 5th.

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?
some guys on matchmaking asked me if I was from Calgary, and if I was going.

What did you like about the event?
Friendly people who play CS and like to joke around.

What did you dislike about the event?
no goTV, got really warm sometimes.

Would you attend future LANified! events?
Of course.

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Friendly & growing CS community, competitive

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
usp ninjas

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
More indepth looks into the CS comp scene, gotv/POV demos, eBot setup, misc. other things.
Maybe snacks @ the event?

Is there anything else you would like to add?
RIP fluffys ace. inferno fence 2015-present
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby JonzyCS » Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:48 pm

was good lan 10/10 would go again
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby Answer- » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:31 am

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?
From Bio

What did you like about the event?
Admins. Server settings. Lack of technical issues. 2-day Event (please keep this the same for future events). Atmosphere

What did you dislike about the event?
Evolution** wrote:Not following pro/competitive map pool/veto system.
Could have used ESL configs with eBot system (adds ready system, knife for sides, pauses, match medics).

The break between semi-final and the grandfinals.

Would you attend future LANified! events?
All CS:GO ones.

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Biggest/best Lan in Calgary.

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
1v1 Arena

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
More CS:Go Lans, more often. Improve events based on feedback.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
It was my first LANified ever and was very impressed with the event.
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Re: LANified! 22: Glock Blocked

Postby Rafficka » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:33 pm

How did you first hear about this event? (LANified! 22: Glock Blocked)
LANified #19!

How did you first hear about LANified! in general?

What did you like about the event?
same awesome admins, good servers.

What did you dislike about the event?
for being the "largest LAN in calgary", there is alot that should be there but isn't. I was very disappointed that no demo's were being recorded server side, no live streams and no map veto system on day 2. I want to see LANified grow, and adding livestreams of each match, as well as having a presence at /r/globaloffensive would help ALOT!

Would you attend future LANified! events?

If you were to tell others why they should attend LANified! events, what would you say?
Biggest LAN in calgary

What mini-tournaments would you want to see in the future?
Some out of game tournaments, physical contests!

What more would you want to see from LANified!?
Just what I put in my dislike section. I want LANified to be a respected and credible LAN in the CS:GO community, and having a bigger presence on /r/globaloffensive as well as livestreams would help IMMENSELY!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I made a video of some LANified frags, find it here
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