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LANified! welcomes S2 games as a sponsor

I'm very happy to announce a new partnership between LANified! and S2 games. S2 games will be sponsoring the upcoming March "The Second Decade" LAN party. As such we would like to cover the changes to the prizes for Heroes of Newerth.

For the coming March event both tournaments will have cash prizes. Furthermore the prize pots stagger as more people pledge for those tournaments. With our new sponsorship with S2 we will be increasing the budget for the Heroes of Newerth cash pots. They will reflect as follows:

1-14 Pledges: $50 1st place
15-29 Pledges: $250 1st place
30+ Pledges: $500 1st place

Please join me in welcoming S2's support.



Posted by https://v2.lanified.com/users/profile/1 on Wed, January 6th, 2010 @ 3:05 am.
whats ur hon username? add me : scottg

Uh oh, there's nothing here.

Nobody is currently sponsoring LANified! If you'd like to talk to us about sponsorship oppurtunities, please contact us!