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We're not dead!

Hi Folks,

We haven't hosted a LAN party in quite a while, and we're not okay with this. We're sorry that it has taken so long for us to get an event together, but please rest assured that we are continually trying to fix that!

So what's getting in our way right now? Facilities.

Since about November of 2016, we have been working continuously to find appropriate facilities for LAN parties, and let me tell you, it's still the hardest part of running these kinds of events. There are many facets to LAN parties that make many facilities unfit.

As such we wanted you to know that we aren't dead. While we don't yet have LAN parties ready for you, we have however ran computer gaming tournaments at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo 2017. We are also working on other areas of gaming services. But despite all that, finding appropriate facilities for LANs is one of our highest priorities right now.

Please bear with us, we are working hard behind the scenes to put together awesome events. We too are chomping at the bit for a LAN party. So we recommend you check back periodically.





Uh oh, there's nothing here.

Nobody is currently sponsoring LANified! If you'd like to talk to us about sponsorship oppurtunities, please contact us!